How to Create a Calm and Relaxing Bedroom

There are endless ways to decorate a bedroom, but the room should above all encourage relaxation and sleep. A good night’s sleep is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle.



Calming Colour Palette

While many of my clients prefer warm colours over cool ones, when it comes to the bedroom, cooler hues are the better choice because of their calming effect. Blue, lilac and cool shades of grey promote rest, while warm tones can often be energizing and more likely to keep you up at night.



Minimal Décor

Even though your eyes will be closed when you go to sleep, if you have too many distractions in your bedroom, it may be hard to actually fall asleep. It’s wise to get rid of the clutter around your bed.




Properly Positioned Bed

I like to position the bed so that it’s one of the first things you see when you walk into a room. Generally, it’s a great way to invite you into the space. However, if your windows overlook something that warrants it, consider flipping your bed so that it faces the view.


Serene Artwork

In keeping with the theme of creating a relaxing environment, it’s important to choose art that’s calming and sleep-inducing. Choose your art wisely, and keep it sparse in your bedroom. Again, you don’t want too many distractions.



No Tech

My No. 1 rule for my clients is to banish televisions, computers and exercise equipment from the bedroom. To make it a peaceful haven, you need to ensure that you aren’t bringing your work to bed with you.



Safe Circulation

Please ensure that you leave enough room around your bed so that you aren’t bumping your shins or stubbing your toes when getting in and out of it. Consider the actual dimensions of the bed frame when purchasing a mattress, not just whether it holds a twin, full, queen or king size.


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